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The Old Glory 15s ACW range offers an extensive variety of models covering the armies of the period.
The bags include a variety of figure poses, while the General packs offer a range of detailed "personality" figures.

Prices: Standard Packs - £27.00
Small Packs - £13.50
Special Gun Packs - £10.00
Other packs as noted

Please note that standard packs contain approximately 50 infantry, 16 cavalry,  or 45 foot command  figures.
Small Packs contain 24 infantry, 9 cavalry or 3 guns and crews.
Special Gun Packs contain 2 guns and crews.
Where denoted, some bags include command figures.

Please scroll down or click on the buttons for the full list
Click here to return to the Old Glory 15s catalogue
These are some photos of the Old Glory 15s ACW Confederate models, painted and based by Martin Tagima . Please click on the thumnail to view a larger image. Martin is a talented painter and has lots more photos on the gallery page on his own website at Tajima1 Miniatures.

Code Description Quantity
Confederate Infantry Marching
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Union Infantry Marching
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Confederate Infantry Charging
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Union Infantry Charging
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Confederate Infantry Skirmishing
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Union Infantry Skirmishing
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Confederate Infantry Command
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
ACW7B Confederate Infantry Command - Mounted Officers
Revised Pack: Contains 9 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Union Infantry Command
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
ACW8B Union Infantry Command - Mounted Officers
Revised Pack: Contains 9 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Zouave in Kepi with Command
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Zouave in Turban with Command
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Zouave in Fez with Command
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Iron Brigade with Command Advancing
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures including command. Priced as Small Pack
Hood's Texans with Command
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures including command. Priced as Small Pack
Berdans with Command
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures including command. Priced as Small Pack
Pennsylvania Bucktails with Command
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures including command. Priced as Small Pack
Energetic Infantry
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Melee Infantry
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Infantry in Greatcoat with Command Marching
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures including command. Priced as Small Pack
Infantry in Greatcoat with Command Charging
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures including command. Priced as Small Pack
ACW43 Stonewall Brigade
24 figures including command and mounted General Jackson. Priced as Small Pack
ACW44 Irish Brigade
24 figures including command & Chaplain Corby. Priced as Small Pack
RED-15FNC-03 15mm Snakerail fencing (laser cut 2mm MDF)
85mm lengths x 10, 13mm high
Excellent new fences in laser cut MDF from Minibits and Redvector
£4.00 per pack
Improvised Breastworks (TimeCast Range 33)
Improvised breastworks from rocks, timber and piled earth -
10 pieces in 4", 3", 2" and 1" lengths.

£5.00 per pack

Code Description Quantity
Confederate Troopers with Sabre
Revised Pack: Contains 9 figures. Priced as Small Pack

Union Troopers with Sabre
Revised Pack: Contains 9 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Confederate Dismounted Cavalry
Revised Pack: Contents 18 figures & 4 horses. Priced as Small Pack
Union Dismounted Cavalry
Revised Pack: Contents 18 figures & 4 horses. Priced as Small Pack
Confederate Cavalry Command (Mounted)
Revised Pack: Contains 9 figures. Priced as Small Pack
ACW19B Confederate Cavalry Command (Dismounted)
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Union Cavalry Command (Mounted)
Revised Pack: Contains 9 figures. Priced as Small Pack
ACW20B Union Cavalry Command (Dismounted)
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Confederate Troopers with Pistols and Shotguns
Revised Pack: Contains 9 figures. Priced as Small Pack
Union Troopers with Pistols and Carbines
Revised Pack: Contains 9 figures. Priced as Small Pack
ACW40 Guidon Bearers
4 Mounted Guidon Bearers Price: £6.00


The OG15s artillery packs provide a comprehensive selection of the varied types of cannon used by both armies during the civil war. The artillery packs are arranged by gun type. The more commonly used guns are available in packs of 3 guns and 12 crew. The less common types are available in packs of 2 guns and 8  crew.
Code Description Quantity

Confederate Artillery - 12 pdr Napoleon
Confederate Artillery with 3 x guns and 12 Crew
Revised Pack: Priced as Small Pack
ACW9C Confederate Artillery - 3" Ordnance Rifles
Confederate Artillery with 3 x guns and 12 Crew
Revised Pack: Priced as Small Pack
ACW9D Confederate Artillery - 10 pdr Parrott Rifles
Confederate Artillery with 3 x guns and 12 Crew
Revised Pack: Priced as Small Pack
ACW9E Confederate Artillery - 20 pdr Parrott Rifles
Confederate Artillery with 3 x guns and 12 Crew
Revised Pack: Priced as Small Pack
ACW9F Confederate Artillery - 6 pdr Field Guns
Confederate Artillery with 3 x guns and 12 Crew
Revised Pack: Priced as Small Pack
ACW9G Confederate Artillery - 12 pdr Howitzers
Confederate Artillery with 3 x guns and 12 Crew
Revised Pack: Priced as Small Pack
ACW9H Confederate Artillery - 24 pdr Howitzers
Special Pack: Confederate Artillery with 2 x guns and 8 Crew

ACW9I Confederate Artillery - Blakely Rifles
Special Pack: Confederate Artillery with 2 x guns and 8 Crew
ACW9J Confederate Artillery - 14 pdr James Rifles
Special Pack: Confederate Artillery with 2 x guns and 8 Crew
ACW9K Confederate Artillery - 10 pdr Tredegar Rifles
Special Pack: Confederate Artillery with 2 x guns and 8 Crew
ACW9L Confederate Artillery - Whitworth Rifles
Special Pack: Confederate Artillery with 2 x guns and 8 Crew

Union Artillery - 12 pdr Napoleon
Union Artillery with 3 x guns and 12 Crew
Revised Pack: Priced as Small Pack
ACW10C Union Artillery - 3" Ordnance Rifles
Union Artillery with 3 x guns and 12 Crew
Revised Pack: Priced as Small Pack
ACW10D Union Artillery - 10 pdr Parrott Rifles
Union Artillery with 3 x guns and 12 Crew
Revised Pack: Priced as Small Pack
ACW10E Union Artillery - 20 pdr Parrott Rifles
Union Artillery with 3 x guns and 12 Crew
Revised Pack: Priced as Small Pack
ACW10F Union Artillery - 6 pdr Field Guns
Union Artillery with 3 x guns and 12 Crew
Revised Pack: Priced as Small Pack
ACW10G Union Artillery - 12 pdr Howitzers
Union Artillery with 3 x guns and 12 Crew
Revised Pack: Priced as Small Pack
ACW10H Union Artillery - 24 pdr Howitzers
Special Pack: Union Artillery with 2 x guns and 8 Crew
ACW10I Union Artillery -  Blakely Rifles
Special Pack: Union Artillery with 2 x guns and 8 Crew
ACW10J Union Artillery - 14 pdr James Rifles
Special Pack: Union Artillery with 2 x guns and 8 Crew
ACW10K Union Artillery - 10 pdr Parrott Rifles (flared muzzle)
Special Pack: Union Artillery with 2 x guns and 8 Crew
ACW10L Union Artillery - Whitworth Rifles
Special Pack: Union Artillery with 2 x guns and 8 Crew
Artillery Limbers, Horses and Riders

These packs are suitable for both Federal and Confederate artillery.http://www.timecastmodels.co.uk/og15acw/acw10c.jpg
Limbers and Crews
3 Limbers With Horses and Riders
Limber Horses and Riders
Extra Limber Horses and Riders For ACW26

Code Description Quantity
ACW32 Western Confederate Generals
Morgan, Hood, Bragg, Polk, Wheeler, Forrest, Beauregard, Van Dorn, Cleburne And Jefferson Davis On Foot.
Revised Pack: Contains 16 mounted Generals/Staff Officers. Priced as Standard Pack
ACW33 Eastern Confederate Generals
Hood, Lee, Early, AP Hill, Picket, Longstreet, Stuart, Jackson, Mosby and Alexander.
Revised Pack: Contains 16 mounted Generals/Staff Officers. Priced as Standard Pack
ACW34 Western Union Generals
Faragut, Hooker, Sherman, Grant, Grierson, Rosecrans, McPherson, Thomas, Buell and a dismounted Lincoln.
Revised Pack: Contains 16 mounted Generals/Staff Officers. Priced as Standard Pack
ACW35 Eastern Union Generals
Includes Sheridan, Buford, Chamberlin, Burnside, McClellan, Meade, Reynolds, Hancock, Sickles and Custer.
Revised Pack: Contains 16 mounted Generals/Staff Officers. Priced as Standard Pack

Code Description Quantity

2 Supply wagons and teams
ACW Dead
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack
ACW Wounded
Revised Pack: Contains 24 figures. Priced as Small Pack

Please note that TimeCast models are not toys. They may contain small pieces, or white metal parts, which may cause a choking hazard and are therefore not suitable for children under 12 years.

All images and models shown are copyright TimeCast and/or the the respective Manufacturers and may not be copied or reproduced without the appropriate permission.

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