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The Rank and File range of 15mm scale models covers the armies of the Crimean War

Victorian British - Crimean War

Imperial Russian Army - Crimean War

Ottoman Turkish Army (1850 - 1880)

Please scroll down or click on the links for the full list

Click here to return to the Old Glory 15s catalogue

All packs -
13.95 per pack

Packs contain 24 infantry (with command, except where noted), 9 cavalry (no command) or 3 guns and 12 crew.

Please note that this range is and manufactured by 19th Century Miniatures
in the USA. All images copyright 19th Century Miniatures.

Special Order : Commencing January 2025 the Rank & File
ranges of miniatures will no longer be held in stock.
Order on the wesite as normal but
please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery.

Victorian British - Crimean War
Infantry packs include command figures (officer, musician and standard bearer) except for pack IBR6. Cavalry packs do not include command.
All images copyright 19th Century Miniatures, L.L.C.
Code Description Quantity
IBR1 Infantry in Coatee and Albert Shako Advancing
IBR2 Infantry in Coatee and Kilmarnock Advancing
IBR3 Infantry in Greatcoat and Shako Advancing
IBR4 Infantry in Greatcoat and Kilmarnock Advancing
IBR5 Infantry in Greatcoat and Kilmarknock Firing
IBR6 Rifle Brigade in Tunic and Kilmarnock Firing (no Command)
IBR7 Fusilier or Light Regiment In Kilmarnock Advancing
(Command figures in Shako)
IBR8 Highlanders in Kilt and Bonnet Advancing and Firing
IBR9 Guardsmen in Coatee and Bearskin Advancing and Firing
IBR10 British Heavy Cavalry in Helmet
IBR11 Scots Greys (2nd Royal North British Dragoons)
IBR12 Hussars in Busby
IBR13 Light Dragoons in Shako
IBR14 Lancers
IBR15 Foot Artillery
IBR16 Royal Horse Artillery
GEN5 Mounted British Generals  (pack of 8 mounted generals)

Imperial Russia - Crimean War (1853-1855)
Infantry packs include command figures (officer, musician and standard bearer). Cavalry packs do not include command.
All images copyright 19th Century Miniatures, L.L.C.
Code Description Quantity
IRC1 Infantry in Helmets & Peaked Caps Charging
IRC2 Infantry in Helmets & Peaked Caps Firing
IRC3 Infantry Helmet Marching
IRC4 Infantry in Greatcoat with Helmets & Peaked Caps Charging
IRC5 Infantry in Greatcoat with Helmet & Peaked Caps Firing
IRC6 Infantry Helmet and Greatcoat Marching
IRC7 Caucasian Rifles Charging and Firing (No Command)
IRC8 Cossacks in Tunic and Colpack (No Command)
IRC9 Uhlan Cavalry (No Command)
IRC10 Dragoon in Helmet and Tunic (No Command)
IRC11 Hussar in Pelisse and Shako (No Command)
IRC12 Russian Foot Artillery 1855
IRC13 Russian Horse Artillery 1855
GEN6 Russian Mounted Generals

Ottoman Turkish Army (1850 - 1880)
All images copyright 19th Century Miniatures, L.L.C.

Code Description Quantity
ITU1 Infantry in Tunic and Fez Advancing
ITU2 Infantry in Tunic and Fez Firing
ITU3 Infantry in Waistcoat and Fez Advancing
ITU4 Infantry in Waistcoat and Fez Firing
ITU5 Cavalry in Traditional Uniform and Fez (No Command)
ITU6 Cavalry in Traditional Uniform and Kalpack (No Command)
ITU7 Cavalry in Western Uniform and Kalpack (No Command)
ITU8 Turkish Smoothbore Artillery 1855-1877
ITU9 Turkish Krupp Guns 1877

Please note that TimeCast models are not toys. They may contain small pieces, or white metal parts, which may cause a choking hazard and are therefore not suitable for children under 12 years.

All images and models shown are copyright TimeCast and/or the the respective Manufacturers and may not be copied or reproduced without the appropriate permission.

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 Unit 11N, Centurion Park, Kendal Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4EH, England
Tel: (0044) 01743 465676